A look into how restaurants might operate post-pandemic

Have you ever thought about how eating out at restaurants will be like after we get through this pandemic? As the economy will start opening in the coming weeks slowly, some of the restaurant chains, if not all will also start functioning.

Starbucks, a reputed international restaurant chain with operations around the world have already laid out plans to open some of its outlets across certain locations. They have already seen the worst phases of the pandemic across the globe and handled the recovery process quite successfully. A look into their plans of opening up outlets will surely give us a fair idea about how the restaurant industry might function, post-pandemic. Also, statements and activities revolving around other major restaurant chains, tech companies, and governments indicate how the restaurant industry will be functioning once we slowly start recovering from the Coronavirus crisis. Let us take a look at how the restaurants might function once the pandemic subsides

Continued social distancing

The number of tables present in restaurants will be drastically reduced. This is to ensure enough space, so as to stick to the plan of social distancing. There might also be the possibility of not having buffet-style food distribution and family group dining and also restaurants might operate with reduced staff and with plexiglass shields between tables to ensure more safety.

Encouraging mobile payments

Restaurants are emphasizing and encouraging customers to order food and make payments through mobile apps as this eliminates the need to touch kiosks or swipe cards. For this to happen, you need a well designed, easy to use food app. Restaurants that have not ventured into the area of food app development are doing this using their in-house team or a third-party service provider as there is no existence nowadays without a food ordering and delivery mobile application for restaurants

The relevance of curbside delivery

With restaurants shut down in the past months, an alternative mode of operation was inevitable to serve customers. To successfully cater food to customers the method of curbside delivery is practiced by many restaurants. 

Fighting the virus by being “Contactless”

Contactless delivery is a very effective way to avoid the dangers of the novel Coronavirus infection. In the current scenario, most of the restaurants are successfully carrying out the contactless delivery system. The online ordering systems should now think of adding features to the existing system like push notifications informing customers on when and where their parcels will be delivered.

Drive-thru feature

Even though some restaurant chains are shutting down their dining rooms due to the existing situation, they quickly open drive-through windows. Many restaurants have started new branches in places which were once a fast food outlet. There is a high possibility of more restaurants in the near future to utilize the drive-through space to provide regular services to their customers.

Here are some marketing Ideas to evolve your Restaurant after COVID19

Proper use of safety accessories

All the restaurants are sure to strictly follow wearing masks and gloves by workers to safeguard the health of all people involved in the restaurant industry. By following this practice restaurants can add more strength to their precautionary measures

Depending on Robot staff

Since the fear around the Coronavirus is increasing with each passing day and the threats posed by human contact still looming over our head, for restaurants that can afford the services of a robot, it definitely does stand a chance.

Some restaurants, which can afford it, obviously might even tap into the possibility of using Robots to handle food orders. Even customers might prefer Robots over humans wearing masks and hand gloves given the present scenario. They would also come in useful for handling orders with the fear of the Virus spreading due to man to man contact. The usage of Robots in the restaurant industry to do various tasks can never be ignored.

The involvement of technology

It is a fact that technology is going to help a lot in the coming weeks to help restaurants function smoothly. Customers will be informed about when their table will be ready by sending text messages to avoid unnecessary crowd gathering. Digital menus and contactless payment menus are other features that have a high possibility of implementation. Many restaurants don’t have the option of contactless payments and the implementation of the technology is going to be a task according to experts.

The different forms of contactless payments can be implemented through an order-ahead system, tabletop kiosk or a handheld device. They completely eliminate the need of credit/debit cards to complete transactions.

The possibility of QR codes

Every POS company can add the feature for restaurants to include a QR code on the check. Now the customers can easily pay the bills by simply scanning the QR code with their own phone. Usage of credit cards might become a thing of the past and there is a very high possibility for it in the near future.

Another important feature is the “Mobile Ordering”. Restaurants are finding ways to implement it so that they can tackle the needs of more customers more efficiently.

The reopening after COVID-19

Many restaurants across Georgia and Atlanta are going to be open by next week. The functioning of these restaurants will give us a better idea on how effective our basic safety precautions and technological innovations have helped to create an effect in the restaurant functioning.

It is also important to note that experts have said that it is too early to relax the restrictions imposed and thereby restaurants that reopen will have to be extra careful about the health of their workers after COVID-19.

However in the long term according to experts more good is bound to happen with respect to the new developments adapted by restaurants, technologically and otherwise.

We are sure to get results sooner than later!