How to start a food delivery app for your restaurant?

Food ordering isn’t new to the e-commerce industry. On-delivery mobile apps transformed food ordering into a seamless, faster, and convenient process. By 2020, the food delivery app industry estimates to gain $32 billion. 

For people struggling to cook daily, on-demand apps like UberEats, GrubHub, Zomato, or Swiggy are the savior. Are you pondering about how to create a food delivery app? keep reading, this blog can help you out. 

  1. Validate your ideas on food ordering app
  2. Choose the relevant food delivery business model
  3. Understand the common requirements of food delivery app
  4. Select the essential features of your app
  5. Decide your technical requirement
  6. Design and tech factors
  7. Choose the right development company
  8. Cost of developing food delivery app

Is it worth creating a food delivery app?

The on-demand food apps like Swiggy and Ubereats are getting popular each day. The food delivery marketplace accounts for $108 billion, and experts predict that it will reach $300 billion by 2025.

As you know, the number of smartphone users is increasing significantly. With these improvements, food delivery apps will reach 16% more revenue in the upcoming years.

Food delivery market growth by 2025
Online food delivery market growth

How to choose a business model for food delivery business?

There are two major types of on-demand food delivery business models available in the marketplace. Let’s see it in detail.

1. The aggregator model

  • The third-party apps or Aggregator model is popular in use across the globe over many years. This model works as the mediator between restaurants and customers.
  • This model allows customers to browse a wide range of restaurants and helps to order food from their favorite place easily.
  • The users can create an account, place an order in a few clicks, and then order information will be processed to the restaurant for delivery. For instance, popular food delivery apps like Zomato, JustEat are using this model.

2. Logistics/Delivery Service Model

  • This model is different from the aggregator model, which is highly beneficial for startup businesses.
  • As they don’t need to maintain a delivery system and spend more money on orders separately.
  • It helps restaurants to save expenditures in manpower, and process the food delivery easily. For instance, UberEats, Doordash are using this delivery service model.
Different business model of food delivery

What are the most common requirements for a food ordering app?

Here we will discuss requirements for the Aggregator model in detail. The three models of the app as follows,

1.Customer application

The customer app, as the name, suggests will be installed on the customer’s device. The customer will order food using this app from their favorite restaurants.

2. The admin dashboard

The admin app is accessed by only the authorized food delivery service provider or the restaurant official. Using this app, restaurants, or delivery services can accept customer orders, dispatch orders, handle payments, order tracking, and maintain the overall logistics.

3. Delivery person app

This app is used for the delivery process, it shows new orders, orders accepted, and rejected to the delivery person. Also, the delivery person can access customers’ delivery location.

4. Restaurant application

This restaurant app is used by restaurant owners, which helps to accept or reject orders, manage account details, add or remove menu items, special offers, track payments, etc in an ease. It can also promote your brands, and increase customers retention rates.

The essential features of food delivery app

It is essential to have the major features in your food delivery app. The amazing features can help you to retain customers for the long term to use your apps. Here are some of the app features you need,

  • Registration & login with social accounts
  • Profile management
  • Easy restaurant/food item search box and filters
  • Order tracking and order history
  • Easy payment gateway Integration
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Offers, coupons, rewards, and loyalty programs
  • Push notifications

The tech stack of the food delivery app

As we have mentioned the essential features earlier, now you have to know the tech stack to build your app features. 

  • For features like registrations and authorization use Autho. It performs all types of authorization processes secure including, SMS authorization, email authorization, classic authorization, etc.
  • To add information like a food menu uses Google Places API.
  • For secure payment integration use Braintree or Stripe SDK.
  • To help your delivery person find the customer location you can use Routific API.

Design and Tech Factors

The expert developers use these factors while building a food delivery app. Which can assure the success rate of your app. So make sure to know this tech stack,

1. Identify Your Niche

As everyone is a foodie these days, your food delivery app will surely get more customers. But still, there is a slight preference that you need to consider while creating food apps. For example, few prefer eating only pure vegetarian foods. Ensure to pick your niche before creating a restaurant app.

2. Implement the right UX

A good UX design ensures simple navigation for your customers. This feature also helps customers to access information easily.

How to choose the right development company?

The development company will have expertise in the latest tools and delivers you the best food ordering app. To find the right app development agency, look for their product license, guarantee, and their commitment. Ensure to choose your developers wisely, to get quality service in your budget.

What is the cost of developing a food delivery app?

The cost of developing a app depends on every feature. If you include more features, then app development costs can vary accordingly.

Also the cost of developing a food devering application varies based on the requirement and nature of your app like native, PWA or hybrid apps.

Final words 

If you are still thinking of creating on-demand food apps, create one with no further delay. It’s an ever-evolving industry, so don’t let the competition put you down. You can create an extraordinary food ordering app, using the right technique and the right strategy.

Build apps like Ubereats and Swiggy today. Contact us for the best app development guidance, and support!