The emergence of online food delivery business

Even though people these days rely a lot on food ordering and delivery services. Have you ever thought about the idea behind its ordering and its origin? This article encapsulates how online food ordering had come into being and attained growth.

The spreading of this idea  

Studies show that it was the period of World War II that when this service was started. As most of the homes and kitchen appliances of the large population were wiped out and they did not have any lace or food to cook.

The role of women volunteer service was prominent at this time that was also previously involved in food delivery to servicemen. In 1947 at Hemel Hempstead, the service was properly started by delivering warm and pre-cooked food to people through prams instead of vans.

From the UK, the idea of food delivery services soon spread to the United States, it adapted it as well in Philadelphia. Apart from delivering food to those who required it, they also aimed to provide food to those households that were poor and bound to their homes. The government also made sure that every house is filled so that the people do not stay hungry. This method soon spread to other parts of the country as well as including Columbus and New York. When other parts of the world came to know about the service and its benefits related to them, they also excelled in this field. Australia started its food delivery services by 1952.

Modern food ordering and delivery system

By the time, most of the restaurants have introduced toll-free numbers so that customers could call on these numbers with free of cost. With the passage of time, the idea of a food ordering system was introduced which was appreciated by the customers. In this way, the customers could not only call the customers but also enjoy the ease of getting food delivered at their doorstep. This led to the emergence of online food ordering and delivery services. It is difficult to think of a country which does not have this highly functional chain of food ordering and delivery system. And as more and more millennials join the phenomenon of ordering food online marketplace grows by the minute. The online food ordering system has gained much popularity over the previous years.

How does the world of online food ordering work?

Food ordering apps have made the process easier. But there is a significant process that works behind getting the food at your doorstep. There are two major models where food ordering system can be divided into two:

Aggregators: These aggregators receive an order from the customers and then channel to the restaurants featured on the list.

Delivery providers: Once an order is received and routed to the respective restaurants, the delivery teams are intimidated and they shall reach the preferred location within the time.

Read our blog to know how to make your online food ordering and delivery software successful.

The evolution of the delivery models

The online food delivery system has come a long way. Take a look at the progressions happened in food ordering systems.

  • Users have an intricate option to create their profiles on different food delivery apps.
  • There are a variety of designs and layouts available for various restaurants and cuisines.
  • Mobile apps of these food delivery systems also have push notifications enabled in them.
  • Live tracking is now easier than ever before.

Digital Age Culture Driving the Growth

The rise of online food ordering and delivery are the major attributes of this digital age culture. In recent times, we could see Millennials and Gen Zers normalizing online ordering more than usual. As a result of the increase in the number of online customers, the online marketplace tends to expand its growth.

However, most of the traditional businesses have adopted these latest trends and shifted online in spite of the demand. With the advent of evolving technologies and trends, the food industry is booming with new investors daily.

Some of the popular online ordering trends prevailing in the market include ordering by tweets, smartwatches, TV, Cars, and AI-enabled virtual assistants, etc. As you could find, the e-commerce industry is foreseeable with the latest innovations. Which paved the way for businesses to introduce innovative technologies in the restaurant industry.

For instance, top food chains have integrated innovative delivery options over traditional methods including delivery robots, drones, and parachutes, etc. If you need to know the challenges faced by restaurants in detail, refer to this blog.

What does growth mean in the food industry?

The evolution of food delivery is set to grow exponentially with improved customer services. Using these online ordering platforms, customers can order their food via his/her mobile devices and get delivery at the doorstep. In order to succeed over this high competition, food-related businesses need to be more creative.

Moreover, the food industry must prepare itself to compete against competitors with this improved technology. Even small or medium scale businesses can rule over big giants by operating virtual kitchens in their inventory. To maximize your revenue and expand your restaurant business online, ensure to integrate such latest innovations today.


An online food ordering system has been a great way to build brands and strengthen businesses. Thus, no exaggeration to conclude that food ordering and delivery has come a long way since its outset and keeps on growing with its features it keeps adding on with every passing day. Hope you enjoyed the read. More power to you!